With Sales Cloud, you can view all companies you work with under all business partners, follow your target business areas with filter options, and also review lists such as your subcontractors, your own customers, sole proprietorships, and priority customers.
Under company information, you can access company details, contact persons and their roles, related sales opportunities, company complaints and solution information from a single point, add new information, and review company-related meetings and team information sharing from the same page.
Similarly, in Sales Cloud, you can track contact information with customized lists such as all contacts, contacts with birthdays this month, senior managers, filter criteria such as which source the person reached your company from, how many people you are in contact with for which customer, evaluate detailed information about the person in the contact person detail, sales opportunities discussed, support requests, orders of the person, marketing campaigns he/she is included in, and quickly add new sales opportunities you have discussed from the same screen.
Stay tuned to see what else you can do in the Salesforce world.